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Fog and Nature

Connect the Mind,
Body and Spirit

Network Spinal, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy


About Gateway

At Gateway we take a holistic approach. We look at all the influences in your life and create a plan to address your current concerns as well as, helping you to develop a plan to assist you in having a Healthy Happy life.


Our Treatments


Network Spinal Care

Network Spinal is a chiropractic approach that looks at the relationship between your spinal patterns and the various tensions in your life.


Recognized worldwide as an effective treatment of a variety of medical problems, Acupuncture enhances the body's natural recuperative power and is able to promote the immune system.

Massage Therapy & Reflexology

Massage Therapy & Foot Reflexology practiced on a regular basis can lead to true regeneration of the body. Both therapies release chronic tension and pain in muscles and connective tissue.

Facial Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Cosmetic Facial Rejuvenation is considered a safe and effective alternative to more invasive procedures like injections or surgery

This rejuvenation treatment will include a whole body acupuncture treatment, with a focus on revitalizing the face by renewing the glow of the skin and providing a youthful look to the face.


Clearing and Coaching

Step into coach position, with a partner, take an outside point of view and gather the information that will make a difference. Four eyes can often see things that two eyes cannot. Recover your choice and self-responsibility. Become less reactive and more emotionally wise. Stand for who you are and what you are about.

Live the life you love.


What Patients Say

"I love this place. I am always welcomed by the great staff at the front desk and I always receive incredible chiropractic care. I feel better than ever and am now more connected to myself than ever before. I look forward to each visit as I continue to progress through care with Dr Rob =) "



"The shape, position, tension, and tone of your spine determines the shape, position, tension, and tone of your life"

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